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Denver Moves Everyone 2050 (DME) is a city-wide transportation plan aimed at moving everyone and everything equitably, safely, and sustainably and reflects the vision and values of Denverites for building a world class transportation system between now and 2050.
Denver Moves Everyone identifies what is needed to build a world-class transportation system while strategically aligning capital investments that have the greatest potential to advance the goals that are important to Denver residents in the near term, especially in the areas of the city that needs these improvements the most.
Over the course of 18 months, thousands of Denverites helped shaped DME with their input through four distinct planning phases. This virtual open house summarizes the input we heard that culminated into the development of Denver Moves Everyone and informed our goals, priorities, and strategies.
Over the past decade, Denver’s population has grown rapidly, placing additional pressures on our transportation system. Technology and smart phones have drastically changed how people and goods move through the city with the advent of ride-sharing services, the deployment of micromobility such as scooters, and with more goods being delivered to people’s homes.
During that same time, the number of crashes on Denver’s streets has continued to increase and transportation remains as one of the top sources of air pollution and the second largest source of greenhouse gases in Denver. Some neighborhoods also remain disconnected from years of historic underinvestment and face negative health outcomes not faced by wealthier neighborhoods.
Denver Moves Everyone addresses these challenges by helping us prioritize transportation improvements that will increase safety, provide more connected and efficient travel options, reduce emissions, and green our streets. DME uses data to identify what we need to do to meet the goals that are important to Denverites and the long-term capital improvements and strategies needed to help get us there.
If you require this information in a different format, please submit your request by emailing info@denvermoveseveryone.com or calling 303-524-8340.
Denver Moves Everyone is a community-driven plan that reflects the voices of thousands of residents. Over the course of 18 months, we heard from Denverites on their shared vision, values, goals, and priorities for Denver’s transportation system. We successfully heard from 10,200+ residents in all 78 neighborhoods in Denver through four separate phases of engagement. To collect input, we used a variety of strategies including digital tools, social media, virtual and in-person meetings, and community events. DME prioritized elevating diverse and inclusive voices who represent different perspectives and experiences related to transportation in Denver.
Equity is key component of Denver Moves Everyone, as we work to alleviate the harm caused by past transportation decisions that have caused a dipropionate burden on communities with residents that identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). An important start was ensuring that BIPOC and other underrepresented voices in past planning work were well represented in shaping Denver Moves Everyone.
Input from diverse and inclusive voices was solicited at community events and demographic data was tracked to allow us to adjust our outreach process when needed to ensure we were hearing from the diverse communities that make up Denver.
Through the Community Based Outreach Partners (CBOP) program, community members from historically underrepresented backgrounds and neighborhoods were paid for their time and expertise to attend community and public events. The CBOPs were instrumental in ensuring that DME used an inclusive outreach process and heard from Denverites with diverse backgrounds.
This first phase of public engagement solicited input on Denverites’ vision and values when it comes to Denver’s transportation system. This phase opened June 7 through November 7, 2021.
Key questions asked during this phase included:
- What values matter most to you and best represent what you expect from Denver’s transportation system?
- What is your vision for the future of transportation in Denver?
- What are your current travel patterns around Denver
- What do you think are some transportation challenges we face today?
How We Used Your Input:
The input we heard during this phase helped us to identify five goals for Denver Moves Everyone, with equity being a common theme woven into each goal. The vision and goals were refined based on additional community input before being finalized below.
The second phase of Denver Moves Everyone asked Denverites about their hopes and fears for what Denver’s transportation system might look like in the future. During this stage, residents weighed in on different possible futures and told us what circumstances are in alignment with their values and which ones they might want to avoid. Phase 2.0 was open from November 8 to February 1, 2022.
Key questions asked during this phase included:
- What key future trends, risks and disruptors is Denver facing?
- What opportunities and challenges might arise in the near and long-term future?
- How might your travel behavior change in different alternative futures?
How We Used Your Input:
The input collected during this phase helped us define a roadmap to reach our vision and goals, regardless of how the future ultimately unfolds.
Prioritizing our Work
The third phase of Denver Moves Everyone sought to gather information about balancing multiple priorities to advance projects that move Denver towards the DME vision and goals identified in the first phase and the preferred future scenarios from the second phase. The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) asked the public how Denver should spend transportation dollars and what types of transportation improvements are most important to them and their neighborhoods. Phase 3 was open from April 11 to July 1, 2022.
Key questions asked during this phase included:
- How should Denver spend transportation dollars and balance needs for improving, expanding, operating, and maintaining our transportation system?
- What types of transportation improvements are most important in your neighborhood?
How We Used Your Input:
The input collected in Phase 3 was used to inform recommendations for how transportation dollars are balanced to improve, expand, operate, and maintain Denver’s transportation system. Overall, we heard that Denverites want a world-class transportation system and would be willing to change how our transportation dollars are allocated to achieve this.
To advance the values that are important to Denverites, Denver Moves Everyone recommended a plan of prioritized transportation improvements for the short term that is aligned with our goals. During Phase 4, residents weighed in on this short-term capital improvement program. Participants learned about the types of improvements DOTI makes to provide a more equitable transportation system that is affordable, reliable, safe, comfortable and sustainable for everyone. An interactive map displayed hundreds of prioritized projects that represented 11 different project types. Phase 4 was open from October 27 to December 12, 2022.
Here is How We Used Your Input:
The plan of prioritized transportation improvements for the near-term was informed by the values and goals we heard are important to Denverites. The input from Phase 4 helped us understand if we were on the right track and refined our prioritized transportation improvements accordingly.
Putting it all together
Denver Moves Everyone is a plan that reflects 18 months of wide-reaching outreach and brings together the voices of thousands of Denverites who gave their input and helped us develop this plan. Denverites shared their collective values, input, and goals, told us how they would prioritize transportation improvements, and shared what their hopes and concerns are for the future. This has helped us to understand the long-term need, while prioritizing improvements in the near term as summarized in our final plan, linked below.
State of the System Report
The State of the System report outlines today’s challenges and opportunities for Denver’s transportation system and helps us understand what we need to do to address these challenges.
Archived Online Tool Sites
Click one of the sites below to learn more about each phase of coummunity engagement that shaped Denver Moves Eveyone